Sections 304B, 498A, 506,34 IPC Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 Sections 3,4
- Section 439 CRPC Sections 304B, 498A, 506,34 IPC Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 Sections 3,4
Bail Dowry death Petitioner and deceased set up separate house on account of dispute between deceased and her in-laws Deceased committed suicide Allegations in charge sheet show deceased did not want her in-laws to know her whereabouts No provocation proved Investigation completed Custody of petitioner not required for purpose of investigation and eventual trial Bail granted to petitioner accused No. 1 with conditions. [Paras 5 and 6]*_
_*Vinay Kumar.B @ Vinay S/o.Basavaraju v/sState of Karnataka CRL-P 8527/17 [ John Michael JJ ]*_
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